Nature Poem
My family’s experience isn’t fodder
for artwork, says Nature in btwn make outs
But you’ll drink yourself to sleep?
Who is the “I” but its inheritances—Let’s play a game
Let’s say Southern California’s water is oil
Let’s say Halliburton is the San Diego Flume Company
and I am descended from a long line of wildfires
I mean tribal leaders
The Cuyamaca Flume transported mountain runoff and river water into the heart of San Diego. Construction began illegally, in secret, in the 1880s. The creek bed dried. The plants died. The very best citizens of San Diego called it “deluded sentimentality” to give Indians any land or water. As if these are things, stuff to be owned or sold off
I am missing many cousins, have you seen them?
Nature Poem: -
Nature Poem
Nothing can fall that wasn’t built
except maybe my self-esteem bc I have a hunch that I was born with it
intact but then America came smacked
me across the face said like it
n the sick thing is getting smacked across the face makes me so wet rn
and that’s prolly why poetry, bc in order to get inside
a poem has to break you
the way the only thing more obvious than your body
is leaving yr shirt on in the pool.
The perigee moon haloes the white comforter in a Beyoncé way.
You shine like a bar of soap in the shadows.
The perigee moon is above both of us, in Portland, in NYC, in San
Diego, in Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Guaynabo, Sri Lanka
Knowing the moon is inescapable tonight
and the tuft of yr chest against my shoulder blades—
This is a kind of nature I would write a poem about.
Nature Poem: -
Nature Poem
This white guy asks do I feel more connected to nature
bc I’m NDN
asks did I live like in a regular house
growing up on the rez
or something more salt
of the earth, something reedy
says it’s hot do I have any rain
When I express frustration, he says what? He says I’m just asking as if
being earnest somehow absolves him from being fucked up.
It does not.
He says I can’t win with you
because he already did
because he always will
because he could write a nature
poem, or anything he wants, he doesn’t understand
why I can’t write a fucking nature
Later when he is fucking
me I bite him on the cheek draw
blood I reify savage lust
Nature Poem:
“A thrilling punk rock epic that is a tour of all we know and can't admit to. Pico is a poet of canny instincts, his lyric is somehow so casual and so so serious at the same time. He is determined to blow your mind apart, and . . . you should let him.”—Alexander Chee [on Nature Poem]
“Mix of hey that’s poetry (uncanny resistance) with hey that’s a text and smashing goals & fulfilling them along the way & saying my parents fulfilled them. Doing it differently being alive & an artist. I love this work. Unpredictable & sweet & strong to continue.”—Eileen Myles [on Nature Poem]
“The self-conscious labor of these poems explores a culture of asides, stutters, stammers, and media glitches. It's no wonder Tommy Pico manages to name and claim identity while also reminding us of his (and our!) limitlessness. Nature Poem is a book about our true nature.”
—Jericho Brown
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Tommy Pico’s book-length poems are contemporary epics. With versatility and inventiveness, he conveys a sense of being at once absolutely rooted—in this apartment, on the internet, or on the rez—and also flying through time and space, calling on history and ancestors. Pico writes poetry of rare brilliance, assured in form and forceful in its interrogation of myth and cultural expectations and self. His ability to move among those spaces gives the work the feeling of an opened ceiling.