Name Name School Subject Year Sort ascending Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
April Holm April Holm Columbia History 2009-2010

The Civil War in the Mainstream Evangelical Churches, 1837-1894

Toby Wikström Toby Wikström Columbia French, Drama 2009-2010

Law, Conquest and the Extra-European World on the French Stage, 1600-1685

Pierre Force

Peyton McElroy Peyton McElroy Stanford Philosophy 2009-2010

On Redemption: Warranted Affirmation of Life in the Wake of Regret

Kristin Poling Kristin Poling Harvard History 2009-2010

The Inner Frontier: Opening Germany's Urban Borders, 1750-1900

Michael Meeuwis Michael Meeuwis Chicago English, Comparative Literature, Drama 2009-2010

The Secret History of Victorian Theater: Literature, Performance, and the Quotidian, 1860-1914

Alyssa Meyers Alyssa Meyers Columbia English, Comparative Literature, Medieval Studies 2009-2010

Temporality and Authority in Late Medieval Literature

Jan Kueveler Jan Kueveler Columbia English, Comparative Literature 2009-2010

Beyond the Bildungstroman: Youth as Narrator of Modernism

April Holm April Holm Columbia History 2009-2010

The Civil War in the Mainstream Evangelical Churches, 1837-1894

Zhanara Nauruzbayeva Zhanara Nauruzbayeva Stanford Anthropology 2009-2010

From Monumental Propaganda to Export Commodity: Art and Social Utility in Post-Socialist Kazakhstan

Julia Orell Julia Orell Chicago Art History 2009-2010

Picturing the Yangzi River: Particular Landscapes in Song and Yuan Dynasty China

Adela Ramos Adela Ramos Columbia English, Comparative Literature 2009-2010

The Emergence of Species: Animals, Humans, and Literary Types in Eighteenth-century Britain

Abigail Schade Abigail Schade Columbia History 2009-2010

Hidden Waters: Groundwater Histories of Iran and the Mediterranean

James Nisbet James Nisbet Stanford Art History 2009-2010

Land Is Not the Setting: The Lightning Field and Environments, 1960-1980

Lisa Barca Lisa Barca Chicago Romance Languages, Comparative Literature 2009-2010

Writing the Veil:. Gender and the Poetics of Apophasis in Giovanni Pascoli and Emily Dickinson

Virginia Rimmer Virginia Rimmer Chicago Near Eastern Studies 2009-2010

The Empire in the House, the House in the Empire: The Impact of Assyrian Imperial Incorporation on Households at Sam 'al (Zincirli Hoyuk)

Mattia Acetoso Mattia Acetoso Yale Italian 2009-2010 University of Bologna

In Two Voices.: Opera, Melodrama and Music in Umberto Saba and Eugenio Montale

Maren Annika Ehlers Maren Annika Ehlers Princeton East Asian Studies 2009-2010

Poor Relief and the Negotiation of Local Order in Early Modern Japan

Toufoul Abou-Hodeib Toufoul Abou-Hodeib Chicago History of Culture 2009-2010 American University of Beirut

Authentic Modern: Domesticity and the Emergence of a Middle Class Culture in Late Ottoman Beirut

Martin Stokes, Bill Brown, Lisa Wedeen

Kristi Olson Kristi Olson Harvard Philosophy 2009-2010

If You're an Egalitarian, How Come You're So Free: Freedom and Equality in the Market

Eric Bianchi Eric Bianchi Yale Music 2009-2010

Center of the World: Athanasius Kircher at the Jesuit Colleges of Rome

Olga Voronina Olga Voronina Harvard Slavic Languages and Literatures 2009-2010

A Window with an Iron Curtain: Cold War Metaphors in Transition, 1945-1953

Rebecca L. Dubay Rebecca L. Dubay Bryn Mawr Art History, American Studies 2009-2010

The Pursuit of American Painting in the 1960s: Frank Stella, Agnes Martin, Robert Ryman, and Anne Truitt

Noam Maggor Noam Maggor Harvard American History 2009-2010

Politics of Property: Boston's Lower Middle Class and the Reconstruction of the Urban North, 1865-1910

Haydon Cherry Haydon Cherry Yale History 2009-2010

Down and Out in Saigon: A Social History of the Urban Poor, 1858-1954

Justin Ritzinger Justin Ritzinger Harvard Religion 2009-2010

Anarchy in the Pure Land: Tradition, Modernity and the Cult of Maitreya in Twentieth-Century China

Joelle N. Collins Joelle N. Collins Bryn Mawr Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology 2009-2010

Arts as Commodity in the Roman World

Brendan Karch Brendan Karch Harvard History 2009-2010

Nationalism on the Margins: Upper Silesians between Germany and Poland, 1866-1960

Rachel Tamar Van Rachel Tamar Van Columbia History 2009-2010

Free Trade and Family Values: Kinship Networks and the Culture of Early American Capitalism in the 19th century

David Currell David Currell Yale English, Comparative Literature 2009-2010

Epic Satire from Homer to Dryden

Deena Ragavan Deena Ragavan Harvard Near Eastern Studies 2009-2010

The Cosmic Dimensions of the Temple in Sumerian Literature

Please choose a Dissertation Fellow on the left to see details.