Name Name School Subject Year Sort ascending Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Jacqueline M. Elliott Jacqueline M. Elliott Columbia Classics 2004-2005

Virgil's Allusive Technique

Amit Bein Amit Bein Princeton Near Eastern Studies 2004-2005

Facing the Specter of Marginalization: Ottoman Ulema and Politics at the Close of Empire (1908-1023)

Brian Soucek Brian Soucek Columbia Philosophy 2004-2005

Art Personified

David Sena David Sena Chicago East Asian Studies 2004-2005

Reproducing Society: Kinship and Social Organization in Western Zhou China

Jeanne-Marie Musto Jeanne-Marie Musto Bryn Mawr Art History 2004-2005

Imagining a Nation: the Politics of Medieval Architectural Styles in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Germany

Amanda Minks Amanda Minks Columbia Music 2004-2005

"Land of Orphans": Migration, Socialization, and Imagination among Miskitu Children

Eric Johnson Eric Johnson Chicago East Asian Studies 2004-2005

A History of Inkyo in Modern Japan

Lyubov Golburt Lyubov Golburt Stanford Comparative Literature 2004-2005

The Vanishing Point: The 18th Century and Russian Historical Imaginary, 1800-1850

Sabrina Billings Sabrina Billings Chicago Linguistics 2004-2005

Contesting Beauties: Multilingualism and Linguistic Ideology in Tanzania

Cecelia Tsu Cecelia Tsu Stanford History 2004-2005

Grown in the >>Garden of the World==: Race, Gender, and Agriculture in Santa Clara Valley, California, 1800-1940

Hratch Papazian Hratch Papazian Chicago Near Eastern Studies 2004-2005

The 'per shena': From Palace Estate to Sacred Storehouse. The Structure and Evolution of an Ancient Egyptian Economic Institution

Evan Cory Horowitz Evan Cory Horowitz Princeton English 2004-2005

The Writing of Modern Life

Kyla Ebels Duggan Kyla Ebels Duggan Harvard Philosophy 2004-2005

The Relationships and Reasons of Autonomous Agents

Emma Anderson Emma Anderson Harvard Religion 2004-2005

Fatal Ambivalence: The Conversion and Apostasy of Pastedechouan, 17th-century Montagnais Amerindian

Deborah Barku Deborah Barku Bryn Mawr Art History 2004-2005

Imaging AIDS: Art, Activism, and the collaborative Body

Eric Paras Eric Paras Harvard History 2004-2005

A New Archivist: Michel Foucault and the Practice of Philosophy, 1968-1984

Fay Rosner Fay Rosner Chicago Romance Languages, French 2004-2005

Art as Social Currency in A la recherche du temps perdu

Akiko Takeuchi Akiko Takeuchi Columbia East Asian Studies, Drama 2004-2005

Ritual and Narrated Drama: Story Telling Tradition in Nō

Jeremy Hutton Jeremy Hutton Harvard Near Eastern Studies 2004-2005

The Role of the Transjordan in the History and Historiography of the Deuteronomistic Historian

Ramzi Rouighi Ramzi Rouighi Columbia History 2004-2005

Mediterranean Crossings, North African Bearings: A Taste of Andalus in Bejaia (1250-1400)

Matthew Parker Matthew Parker Chicago Philosophy 2004-2005

Undecidable Long-Term Behavior in Classical Physics: Foundation, REsults, and Interpretation

Scarlet Marquette Scarlet Marquette Harvard Slavic Languages and Literatures 2004-2005

A Method to Madness? Narrating Paranoia in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature

Kristine Juncker Kristine Juncker Columbia Art History 2004-2005

Honey at the Crossroads: Women and the Arts of Afro-Cuban Santería, 1899-1969

Patrick Bray Patrick Bray Harvard Romance Languages, Comparative Literature 2004-2005

Novel Selves: Mapping the Subject in Stendhal, Nerval, and Proust

Daniel Barolosky Daniel Barolosky Chicago Music 2004-2005

Musical Performance as Creation

Daniel Rivers Daniel Rivers Stanford History 2004-2005

A Social History of Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children in the United States, 1945-2003

Jasper Albert Cragwall Jasper Albert Cragwall Princeton English 2004-2005

Popular Romanticisms

Emine Fetvaci Emine Fetvaci Harvard Art History, Middle Eastern Studies 2004-2005

Viziers to Eunuchs: Transitions in Ottoman Manuscript Patronage, 1574-1617

Daniel Thomas Swift Daniel Thomas Swift Columbia English, Comparative Literature 2004-2005

Shakespeare, the Hampton Court Conference, and the Book of Common Prayer

Victoria Rivera-Cordero Victoria Rivera-Cordero Princeton Spanish and Portuguese 2004-2005

Subjectivity, Illness and Writing: The Discourse of Illness and the Making of the Self in Early Spain

Please choose a Dissertation Fellow on the left to see details.