Name Name School Subject Year Sort ascending Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Daqing Yang Daqing Yang Harvard History & East Asian Languages 1995-1996
Jill M. Carrick Jill M. Carrick Bryn Mawr History of Art 1995-1996

On Collecting 'Modern Nature': Nouveau Réalisme and the Archaeology of the Present

Edwin Bryant Edwin Bryant Columbia Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures 1995-1996

In Defence of the Tradition: Mahabharata and Historicity

Stephen B. Chapman Stephen B. Chapman Yale Religious Studies 1995-1996

The Law and the Prophets: A study in Canon Formation

Gregory Matthew Mikkelson Gregory Matthew Mikkelson The University of Chicago Conceptual Foundations of Science 1995-1996

Counterfactuals in Science: Case Studies from Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Brian Anthony Curran Brian Anthony Curran Princeton Art and Archaeology 1995-1996

Egyptomania and Egyptian Antiquities in the Italian Renaissance

Clarence B. Sheffield, Jr. Clarence B. Sheffield Bryn Mawr undefined 1995-1996

The Myth of the Peasant in Norwegian Painting (1880-1920): from Naturalism to Modernist Expressionism

Jonathan Gilmore Jonathan Gilmore Columbia Philosophy 1995-1996

Narrative Realism in the History of Art

Yiwen Wang Yiwen Wang Stanford History 2014-2015

A North China Paradigm: Imperial Expansion, Shanxi Merchants, and Business Institutions in Early Modern China

Yan Liu Yan Liu Harvard History of Science 2014-2015

Noxious Cure: Poison and Medicine in Medieval China

Molly Taylor-Polesky Molly Taylor-Polesky Stanford History 2014-2015

The Courtly Kitchen and the Ascent of Brandenburg-Prussia in the 17th Century

Daniel Majchrowicz Daniel Majchrowicz Harvard Near Eastern Studies 2014-2015

Travel and the Means to Victory: Urdu Travel Writing and Aspirations in Islamicate South Asia

Scott Spillman Scott Spillman Stanford History 2014-2015

Slavery Studies in America, 1750-2000

Elizabeth Jemison Elizabeth Jemison Harvard Religion 2014-2015

"Reconstructing Religion: Race, Gender, and Religion in the Lower Mississippi Valley from Emancipation to Jim Crow"

Johanna Best Johanna Best Bryn Mawr Classical and Near Eastern Archeology 2014-2015

Religion of the Roadways: Roadside Sacred Spaces in Attica

Alisa Sniderman Alisa Sniderman Harvard Comparative Literature 2014-2015

"The Modern Stage of Capitalism: Drama of Markets and Money, 1870-1930"

Daniel Williams Daniel Williams Harvard English 2014-2015

Hap: Uncertainty and the English Novel

Joseph Stadolnik Joseph Stadolnik Yale English and Medieval Studies 2014-2015 University of Rochester

"Practical Science and Middle English Literature"

Ardis Butterfield and Alastair Minnis

Guido Roman Herzovich Guido Roman Herzovich Columbia Latin American and Iberian Cultures 2014-2015

The Task of Inequality: Literary Criticism and the "Golden Age of the Argentine Book" (1939-1955)

Vadim Shneyder Vadim Shneyder Yale Slavic Languages and Literatures 2014-2015

"Russia's Capitalist Realism, 1860‐1900"

Lauren Elizabeth Flood Lauren Elizabeth Flood Columbia Music 2014-2015

Building and Becoming: DIY Music Technology in New York and Berlin

Benjamin Hoffman Benjamin Hoffman Yale French 2014-2015

"Posthumous America: Literary Recreations of America in French Literature, from the War of Independence to the Civil War"

Christoph Schaub Christoph Schaub Columbia German 2014-2015

"Weimar Contact Zones: Modernism, Workers' Movement, Literature, and Urban Imaginaries in Germany, 1918-1933"

Daniel Goldberg Daniel Goldberg Yale Music 2014-2015

Balkan Meter in Performance

Golnar Nikpour Golnar Nikpour Columbia Middle Eastern Studies 2014-2015

"Prison Days: The History of Prison and Punishment in Modern Iran, 1896-1979"

Michael Bustamente Michael Bustamente Yale History 2014-2015

Cuban Counterpoints: Memory Struggles in Revolution and Exile

David Gutkin David Gutkin Columbia Music 2014-2015

American Opera and the Figuration of National History in the Late Twentieth Century

Molly Taylor-Poleskey Molly Taylor-Poleskey Stanford History 2014-2015

The Courtly Kitchen and the Ascent of Brandenburg-Prussia in the 17th Century

Katherine Alexander Katherine Alexander Chicago East Asian Studies 2014-2015

The Business of Being Good: Baojuan in late Qing Jiangnan

Nathan Hodson Nathan Hodson Princeton Near Eastern Studies 2014-2015

"Merchants, Contractors, and Financiers: The Evolution of Saudi Business, 1925-1985"

Please choose a Dissertation Fellow on the left to see details.