Parthenius of Nicaea and the Rise of Alexandrianism at Rome
A Probabilistic Explication of Categorical Belief
Aetiology in Greek Poetry: From the beginnings through the Alexandrians
"The History of Textuality in Roman Poetry"
Freezing Life, Buying Time: Remaking Life, Death, Personhood, and Time through the Consumption of Cryopreservation Services in North America
The Fiction of Thomas Pynchon
Teaching the Profession of Arms: The Development of the Military Profession in Tokugawa Japan
Christian Captives in Later Middle Ages
Drive, Lonesomeness, and Genre in Bluegrass Music
Arab Christian Political Identity in British Mandate Palestine, 1917-1948
Excavating the Strata of Mt. Nanyue's Religious History
Raising the Dead: Writing Lives and Writing Wars in Britain, 1914-1940
Margaret Homans and Katie Trumpener
Resurrecting the Now: Politics, Justice and Theater in France, 1750-1800
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