Name Name Sort ascending School Subject Year Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Asa Wikforss Asa Wikforss Columbia Philosophy 1994-1995

Making Sense: Meaning, Rules and the Notion of Correct Use

Nancy Wiegand Nancy Wiegand Stanford Linguistics 1982-1983
Jeffrey S. Wieand Jeffrey S. Wieand Chicago Philosophy 1980-1981
Leila R. Wice Leila R. Wice Columbia East Asian Studies 2001-2002

Dress Codes; Breaking Rules and Making Meanings in Nineteenth-Century Japan

John Whittier-Ferguson John Whittier-Ferguson Princeton English 1988-1989
Tyler Whitney Tyler Whitney Columbia German 2012-2013 Haverford College

Spaces of the Ear: Literature, Media, and the Science of Sound, 1886-1928

Stefan Andriopoulos

Jon D. Whitman Jon D. Whitman Harvard English 1977-1978
Georgina White Georgina White Princeton Classics 2014-2015

Copia Verborum: Cicero's Philosophical Translations

Carolyn K. Wheelwright Carolyn K. Wheelwright Princeton Art & Archaeology 1977-1978
Alexandra Wettlaufer Alexandra Wettlaufer Columbia French 1990-1991

The Visual Impulse from Diderot to Woolf

Lynn Lara Westwater Lynn Lara Westwater Chicago Romance Languages, Comparative Literature, Italian, Women's Studies 2002-2003

The Disquieting Voice: Women's Writing and Antifeminism in 17th Century Venice

Edward Weston Edward Weston Bryn Mawr Latin 1992-1993

Lucan the Statirist

Hilda Westervelt Hilda Westervelt Harvard Classics 2003-2004

The Centauromachy in Greek Architectural Sculpture

Joel Westerdale Joel Westerdale Harvard German 2002-2003

Exploring the Strategic Role of the Aphorism in Nietzsche's Writings

Robert B. Westbrook Robert B. Westbrook Stanford History 1976-1977
John William Wertheimer John William Wertheimer Princeton History 1990-1991

Free Speech in American History

Julianne Werlin Julianne Werlin Princeton English 2010-2011

Utopia and Method in Early Modern England: Bacon, Harrington, Cavendish

Edward Wendt Edward Wendt Columbia Art History and Architecture 1996-1997

Constructing the Sublime--Architecture, Industry, and Aesthetics in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Richard Wendorf Richard Wendorf Princeton English 1975-1976
Cynthia Welsh Cynthia Welsh Chicago Linguistics, Philosophy 1985-1986
Jeffrey L. Welaish Jeffrey L. Welaish Bryn Mawr Philosophy 1979-1980
Leora Weitzman Leora Weitzman Stanford Philosophy 1988-1989
Paul A. Weissman Paul A. Weissman Harvard History 1973-1974
Susan Weisser Susan Weisser Columbia Comparative Literature 1982-1983
Maxim Weintraub Maxim Weintraub Bryn Mawr Art History 2004-2005

(Un) Covering the Lack: Bruce Nauman's Aesthetic of Anxiety

Ann Weinstone Ann Weinstone Stanford Modern Thought and Literature 1999-2000

The Voice, the Look, the Text, the Touch -- Letters to Post-Humans in the System

Deborah Weinstein Deborah Weinstein Harvard History of Science 2000-2001

Analysis of the establishment of family therapy after WWII in order both to broaden historical understandings of the role of psychotherapy in American culture and to contribute to scholarship on the history of the family

Mark S. Weiner Mark S. Weiner Yale American Studies 1996-1997

Race, Citizenship and Culture in American Law, 1883 - 1954: Ethno-Juridical Discourse From Crow Dog to Brown v. Board of Education

Ye Wei-Li Ye Wei-Li Yale American Studies 1987-1988
Timothy Webmoor Timothy Webmoor Stanford Anthropology 2005-2006

Mediating Multiple Frameworks for Knowledge Constitution in Archeology at Teotihuacan, Mexico

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