Name Name School Sort ascending Subject Year Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Lise Miriam Dobrin Lise Miriam Dobrin The University of Chicago Linguistics 1995-1996

Contested Terrain: Phonological Form, Morphological Class, and Syntactic Gender: The Noun-Class Systems of Papua New Guinea Arapeshan

Gareth Evan Gollrad Gareth Evan Gollrad The University of Chicago Romance Languages & Literature 1995-1996

Imaging Technology and Literature of Historical Versimilitude

Lawrence Joseph McCrea Lawrence Joseph McCrea The University of Chicago South Asian Languages and Civilizations 1996-1996

Kavyarthah: The Teology of Poetics in Medieval Kashmir

Gregory Matthew Mikkelson Gregory Matthew Mikkelson The University of Chicago Conceptual Foundations of Science 1995-1996

Counterfactuals in Science: Case Studies from Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Yaseen Ahmed Noorani Yaseen Ahmed Noorani The University of Chicago Comparative Literature 1995-1996

Political Subjectivity in Neoclassical Arabic and Persian Literature

Peter T. Struck Peter T. Struck The University of Chicago Comparative Literature 1995-1996

Against Mimesis: The Talismanic Theory of Signification in Ancient Literary Theory

Geert Van Cleemput Geert Van Cleemput The University of Chicago Ancient Mediterranean World 1995-1996

Aristotle on the Human Good

Stewart Lance Winger Stewart Lance Winger The University of Chicago History of Culture 1995-1996

Lincoln's Religious Rhetoric: American Romanticism and the Antislavery Impulse

Kathryn Oberdeck Kathryn Oberdeck Yale American Studies 1988-1989
Elizabeth C. Allen Elizabeth C. Allen Yale Slavic Languages and Literatures 1981-1982
Elizabeth S. Bolton Elizabeth S. Bolton Yale Comparative Literature 1991-1992

Transcendence and Transgression: From the Sublime to the Grotesque

Andrew J. Cappel Andrew J. Cappel Yale History 1985-1986
Gerald T. Burns Gerald T. Burns Yale American Studies 1978-1979
Margaret Cohen Margaret Cohen Yale Comparative Literature 1986-1987
Cleo Condoravdi Cleo Condoravdi Yale Linguistics 1988-1989
Adrienne Donald Adrienne Donald Yale English 1989-1990
Ann Fabian Ann Fabian Yale American Studies 1980-1981
Don J. Garrett Don J. Garrett Yale Philosophy 1978-1979
Daniel Goldstein Daniel Goldstein Yale History 1987-1988
Rachel Jacoff Rachel Jacoff Yale Romance Languages 1973-1974
Lesley W. Higgins Lesley W. Higgins Yale Religion 1977-1978
Victoria A. Kahn Victoria A. Kahn Yale Comparative Literature 1977-1978
John Muse John Muse Yale English Language and Literature 2008-2009

'Time She Stops': Modernist Theatrical Shorts Since 1880

Stephen P. Rice Stephen P. Rice Yale American Studies 1995-1996

Incorporating the Machine: Labor, Fatigue, and the Problem of Self-Regulation in Nineteenth-Century Industrial America

Michael Bustamente Michael Bustamente Yale History 2014-2015

Cuban Counterpoints: Memory Struggles in Revolution and Exile

Carmel Raz Carmel Raz Yale Music 2013-2014 Hochschule für Musik, "Hanns Eisler," Berlin

Reverberating Nerves: Aspects of Enlightenment Science and Early Romantic Music

Patrick McCreless

Yii-Jan Lin Yii-Jan Lin Yale Religion 2011-2012 Pomona College

The Erotic Life of Manuscripts: New Testament Textual Criticism and the Biological Sciences

Dale B. Martin

Haydon Cherry Haydon Cherry Yale History 2009-2010

Down and Out in Saigon: A Social History of the Urban Poor, 1858-1954

Elina Bloch Elina Bloch Yale Comparative Literature 2010-2011

Unconfessed Confessions: Strategies of (Not) Telling in Nineteenth-Century

Nikhil P. Singh Nikhil P. Singh Yale American Studies 1993-1994

Microstrategies and Global Visions: Multicultural Politics in Post W.W. II America

Please choose a Dissertation Fellow on the left to see details.