A Taste for Flesh: Colonialism, Evolutionary Theory, and the Social Construction of the Predator
Freezing Life, Buying Time: Remaking Life, Death, Personhood, and Time through the Consumption of Cryopreservation Services in North America
German Studies, Framed in Time: Identity and History in J. G. Herder
The Raw Material of Literature & Fictions of the Latin American Export Age, 1880-1930
Common English Readers: Reading, Subjectivity and Community in 19th Century England
The Troubador as Subject: Biography, Erotics and Culture
All Other Things Being Equal: Studies in American Culture
What Confucius Wouldn't Talk About: The Fantastic Mode of the Classical Chinese Short Story
The Courtly Kitchen and the Ascent of Brandenburg-Prussia in the 17th Century
Fictions of Destruction: Post-1945 Narrative and Disaster in the Collective Imaginary
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Ramon Saldivar, Amir Eshel, Ursula K. Heise
Reasonable Disagreement: Liberal Citizens and Epistemic Peers
Michael Bratman
The Politics of Labeling: Tongzhi, Ideologies, and the Contestations of Meaning
Phonological and Syntactic Variation in the Spanish of Valladolid, Yucatan
"The History of Textuality in Roman Poetry"
Embattled Prose: Writing World War I, 1914-1919
Markedness and Variation in Argument Coding and Interpretation
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