Name Name School Sort ascending Subject Year Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Heather Schell Heather Schell Stanford Modern Thought and Literature 1998-1999

A Taste for Flesh: Colonialism, Evolutionary Theory, and the Social Construction of the Predator

Tiffany Romain Tiffany Romain Stanford Anthropology 2006-2007

Freezing Life, Buying Time: Remaking Life, Death, Personhood, and Time through the Consumption of Cryopreservation Services in North America

Tino Markworth Tino Markworth Stanford German 1997-1998

German Studies, Framed in Time: Identity and History in J. G. Herder

Erika Beckman Erika Beckman Stanford Spanish and Portuguese 2004-2005

The Raw Material of Literature & Fictions of the Latin American Export Age, 1880-1930

Karla T. Taylor Karla T. Taylor Stanford English 1980-1981
John L. Tofanelli John L. Tofanelli Stanford English 1984-1985
Martine Reed Martine Reed Stanford French 1975-1976
Janice L. Peritz Janice L. Peritz Stanford English 1976-1977
Mark A. Paul Mark A. Paul Stanford History 1974-1975
Catherine Quoyeser Catherine Quoyeser Stanford Modern Thought and Literature 1988-1989
Thomas Moser Thomas Moser Stanford English 1983-1984
Brett Miller Brett Miller Stanford English 1985-1986
Linda R. Nascimiento Linda R. Nascimiento Stanford Art History 1976-1977
Kelly Mays Kelly Mays Stanford English 1991-1992

Common English Readers: Reading, Subjectivity and Community in 19th Century England

Bruce Batten Bruce Batten Stanford East Asian Studies 1985-1986
William Burgwinkle William Burgwinkle Stanford French, Medieval Studies 1986-1987

The Troubador as Subject: Biography, Erotics and Culture

Alexandra Chasin Alexandra Chasin Stanford Modern Thought and Literature 1990-1991

All Other Things Being Equal: Studies in American Culture

Christopher Faraone Christopher Faraone Stanford Classics 1986-1987
Sing-Chen Lydia Francis Sing-Chen Lydia Francis Stanford Asian Languages 1995-1996

What Confucius Wouldn't Talk About: The Fantastic Mode of the Classical Chinese Short Story

Molly Taylor-Poleskey Molly Taylor-Poleskey Stanford History 2014-2015

The Courtly Kitchen and the Ascent of Brandenburg-Prussia in the 17th Century

Angela Mercedes Becerra Vidergar Angela Mercedes Becerra Vidergar Stanford Comparative Literature 2012-2013 Baylor University

Fictions of Destruction: Post-1945 Narrative and Disaster in the Collective Imaginary

Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Ramon Saldivar, Amir Eshel, Ursula K. Heise

Han van Wietmarschen Han van Wietmarschen Stanford Philosophy 2012-2013 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Reasonable Disagreement: Liberal Citizens and Epistemic Peers

Michael Bratman

Andrew Dick-wei Wong Andrew Dick-wei Wong Stanford Linguistics 2002-2003

The Politics of Labeling: Tongzhi, Ideologies, and the Contestations of Meaning

Julie Solomon Julie Solomon Stanford Linguistics 1997-1998

Phonological and Syntactic Variation in the Spanish of Valladolid, Yucatan

Luke Roman Luke Roman Stanford Classics 1998-1999

"The History of Textuality in Roman Poetry"

Elah Murphy Elah Murphy Stanford French 2005-2006

Embattled Prose: Writing World War I, 1914-1919

Hanjung Lee Hanjung Lee Stanford Linguistics 2000-2001

Markedness and Variation in Argument Coding and Interpretation

Douglas A. Smith Douglas A. Smith Stanford Music 1975-1976
Charlotte Rosenthal Charlotte Rosenthal Stanford Slavic Languages and Literatures 1974-1975
William G. Perett William G. Perett Stanford History 1975-1976

Please choose a Dissertation Fellow on the left to see details.