Benvenuto Cellini and the Act of Sculpture
Authoritative Voices: Sermons and the Sermonic Mode in English and American Novels, 1845-1880
Towards Universality: The Poetry of Robert Hayden
Modern Men: New Masculinities in Mid-Twentieth Century Britain
Arts as Commodity in the Roman World
“Writing Selves, Citizen Others: Black Victorians and the Trope of the ‘sea kaffir’ in South African Literature”
Brent Hayes Edwards
Ecclesia Laus Corinthiensis: Negotiating Ethnicity Under Empire
War Along the North - South Frontier: An International History of Algeria's Fight for Independence
Impersonating Persons: Ethnicity, Gender, and Performance in the Postwar American Film
The Afterlife of the Aristocracy: Nobility in French LIterature from Balzac to Proust
Joshua Landy
Unsettling Accounts: The Trial of the Gang of Four and the Cultural Logic of Late Socialism in China, 1978-1981
Cultural Intermediaries in Early Modern Venice
The Apocalypse of Paul in Late Antique Egypt
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