Name Name School Sort descending Subject Year Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Gillian Bentley Gillian Bentley Chicago Near Eastern Studies 1985-1986
Kevin Doak Kevin Doak Chicago East Asian Studies 1988-1989
Peter F. Kardon Peter F. Kardon Chicago Comparative Literature, Medieval Studies 1978-1979
Michael R. Latham Michael R. Latham Chicago Germanic Studies 1996-1997

From the Spiritual in Art to Degenerate Art: Aesthetics, Perception and Cultural Politics in Germany from the Kaiserreich to the Third Reich

Miguel Ramirez Miguel Ramirez Chicago Music 2008-2009

The Role of Chromatic Third-Relations in the Music of Anton Bruckner: A Historical and Analytical Examination

Michael Meeuwis Michael Meeuwis Chicago English, Comparative Literature, Drama 2009-2010

The Secret History of Victorian Theater: Literature, Performance, and the Quotidian, 1860-1914

James G. Wilberding James G. Wilberding Chicago Philosophy 2001-2002

Plotinus’ Cosmology: A Commentary on Enneads 11.1(40) and 11.2(14).

David Svolba David Svolba Chicago Philosophy 2005-2006

Desires of One=s Own: Frankfurt on Identification and Autonomy

Francesca Sardi Francesca Sardi Chicago Classics 2007-2008
Lynette Renee Melnar Lynette Renee Melnar Chicago Linguistics 1997-1998

Caddo Verb Morphology

Feng Li Feng Li Chicago East Asian Studies 1998-1999

Historical Geography and the Fall of Western Zhou

Maki Fukuoka Maki Fukuoka Chicago Art History 2004-2005

Bewteen Seeing and Knowing: Photography and the Concept of Accuracy in Japan, 1830-1878

Michael A. Sells Michael A. Sells Chicago Religion 1981-1982
Margaret R. Olin Margaret R. Olin Chicago History of Culture 1981-1982
Augusta McMahon Augusta McMahon Chicago Near Eastern Studies 1992-1993

The Early Dynastic to Akkadian Transition in Southern Mesopotamia

Robert Disalle Robert Disalle Chicago History 1986-1987
Christina Dengate Christina Dengate Chicago Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology 1984-1985
John T. Dzieglewicz John T. Dzieglewicz Chicago English 1978-1979
Lorna S. Gladstone Lorna S. Gladstone Chicago Comparative Literature 1979-1980
Kenneth J. Knoespel Kenneth J. Knoespel Chicago Comparative Literature 1981-1982
Harvey Paul Manning Harvey Paul Manning Chicago Linguistics 1996-1997

Clefts and Their Kin in P-Celtic

Philip Ventcinque Philip Venticinque Chicago Classics 2008-2009

Common Causes: The Social World of Guilds and Associations in Roman and Late Antique Egypt

Julia Orell Julia Orell Chicago Art History 2009-2010

Picturing the Yangzi River: Particular Landscapes in Song and Yuan Dynasty China

Yiqun Zhou Yiqun Zhou Chicago Comparative Literature 1999-2000

Flower-Wearing Companions: Gender, Genre and Conviviality in Ancient China and Greece

Julie Turnock Julie Turnock Chicago Film 2007-2008
Emily Jane Shelton Emily Jane Shelton Chicago English, Comparative Literature 2000-2001

My Secret Life: Photography, Melancholy Realisms, and Modern Personhood

Margaret Anne Jewett Margaret Anne Jewett Chicago Romance Languages, Medieval Studies 1997-1998

Recycling Roncevaux: The Composition and Transmission of a Late Medieval ‘remaniement’

Courtney Gilbert Courtney Gilbert Chicago Art History 1999-2000

Visions of Indigenous Mexico: European Surrealists and Their Mexican Contemporaries

Aaron Beaver Aaron Beaver Chicago Slavic Languages and Literatures 2002-2003

Time in the Lyric Poetry of Joseph Brodsky

David M. Thompson David M. Thompson Chicago Comparative Literature 1993-1994

T. S. Eliot, Charles Maurras and the Reframing of Modernism

Please choose a Dissertation Fellow on the left to see details.