From the Spiritual in Art to Degenerate Art: Aesthetics, Perception and Cultural Politics in Germany from the Kaiserreich to the Third Reich
The Role of Chromatic Third-Relations in the Music of Anton Bruckner: A Historical and Analytical Examination
The Secret History of Victorian Theater: Literature, Performance, and the Quotidian, 1860-1914
Plotinus’ Cosmology: A Commentary on Enneads 11.1(40) and 11.2(14).
Desires of One=s Own: Frankfurt on Identification and Autonomy
Caddo Verb Morphology
Historical Geography and the Fall of Western Zhou
Bewteen Seeing and Knowing: Photography and the Concept of Accuracy in Japan, 1830-1878
The Early Dynastic to Akkadian Transition in Southern Mesopotamia
Clefts and Their Kin in P-Celtic
Common Causes: The Social World of Guilds and Associations in Roman and Late Antique Egypt
Picturing the Yangzi River: Particular Landscapes in Song and Yuan Dynasty China
Flower-Wearing Companions: Gender, Genre and Conviviality in Ancient China and Greece
My Secret Life: Photography, Melancholy Realisms, and Modern Personhood
Recycling Roncevaux: The Composition and Transmission of a Late Medieval ‘remaniement’
Visions of Indigenous Mexico: European Surrealists and Their Mexican Contemporaries
Time in the Lyric Poetry of Joseph Brodsky
T. S. Eliot, Charles Maurras and the Reframing of Modernism
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