Name Name Sort ascending School Subject Year Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Dean Vuletic Dean Vuletic Columbia History 2008-2009

The Poser of Nonalignment: Popular Music and the Cultural Cold War in Yugoslavia

Olga Voronina Olga Voronina Harvard Slavic Languages and Literatures 2009-2010

A Window with an Iron Curtain: Cold War Metaphors in Transition, 1945-1953

Michael Vorenberg Michael Vorenberg Harvard History 1994-1995

The creation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution and its relation to the Civil War transformation of race relations, party politics and constitutional interpretation

Eric von der Luft Eric von der Luft Bryn Mawr Philosophy 1982-1983
James Von der Heydt James Von der Heydt Harvard English 2002-2003

Imagination as it Counters Infinity: Emersonian Strains in American Poetry

Katharina Volk Katharina Volk Princeton Classics 1998-1999

Carmen et res: The Poetics of Latin Didactic (Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid, Manilius)

Angela Volan Angela Volan Chicago Art History 2003-2004

Last Judgments and Last Emperors: Eschatology and Apocalypticism in Late- and Post-Byzantine Art

Paul Nicholas Vogt Paul Nicholas Vogt Columbia East Asian Studies 2010-2011

Between Kin and King: Social Aspects of Western Zhou Ritual

Adam Vital Adam Vital Yale History 1991-1992

Italian Anarchism and the Impact of Nationalism, 1860

Joseph Viscomi Joseph Viscomi Columbia English 1979-1980
Shafique Virani Shafique Virani Harvard Near Eastern Studies 1999-2000

"The Well-Wisher of Herat", a pivotal figure in the reconstruction of post-Alamut Ismaili history and thought

Susan B. Viguers Susan B. Viguers Bryn Mawr English 1974-1975
Daniel Viehoff Daniel Viehoff Columbia Philosophy 2008-2009

The Claims of Disagreement: A Theory of Democratic Authority

Ludger Viefhues Ludger Viefhues Harvard Religion 2001-2002

Ritual, Trust and Transformation: Ritual as means to address the problem of skepticism in modern philosophy

Gail Brendel Viechnicki Gail Brendel Viechnicki Chicago Linguistics 2000-2001

From Wintu Grammar to the Sociology of Science: Evidentiality in English Scientific Discouse.

Angela Mercedes Becerra Vidergar Angela Mercedes Becerra Vidergar Stanford Comparative Literature 2012-2013 Baylor University

Fictions of Destruction: Post-1945 Narrative and Disaster in the Collective Imaginary

Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Ramon Saldivar, Amir Eshel, Ursula K. Heise

Moulie Vidas Moulie Vidas Princeton Religion 2008-2009

Tradition and the Redaction of the Babylonian Talmud

Kathleen M. Vernon Kathleen M. Vernon Chicago Comparative Literature 1980-1981
Andrew M. Verner Andrew M. Verner Columbia History, Russian 1976-1977
Philip Ventcinque Philip Venticinque Chicago Classics 2008-2009

Common Causes: The Social World of Guilds and Associations in Roman and Late Antique Egypt

Tomas Venclova Tomas Venclova Yale Slavic Languages and Literatures 1983-1984
Jonathan Veitch Jonathan Veitch Harvard American History 1989-1990
Jacqueline Vayntrub Jacqueline Vayntrub Chicago Near Eastern Studies 2014-2015

Proverbs and the Limits of Poetry

Florence Vatan Florence Vatan Chicago Romance Languages, Comparative Literature, French 2001-2002

Mastering Sensibility: Flaubert and Baudelaire on the New Art of Feeling.

Phiroze Vasunia Phiroze Vasunia Stanford Classics 1994-1995

Hellenizing Egypt

Eric R. Varner Eric R. Varner Yale Classics 1991-1992

Damnatio Memoriae and Roman Imperial Portraiture

Amy L. Varin Amy L. Varin Harvard Celtic Languages & Literature 1982-1983
Zsuzsanna Varhelyi Zsuzsanna Varhelyi Columbia History 2000-2001

The Religion of the Senatorial and Cultural Elite in the Roman Empire, AD 69-235

David Vanderhooft David Vanderhooft Harvard Near Eastern Studies 1994-1995

The cultural interaction of Judah and Babylon during the high period of the Babylonian empire (605

Susan Vanderborg Susan Vanderborg Stanford English 1993-1994

The Text Beside Itself: Consensus and Metanarrative in Postwar American Avant-Garde Poetry

Please choose a Dissertation Fellow on the left to see details.