Name | Name Sort ascending | School | Subject | Year | Undergraduate College | Dissertation Title | Faculty Advisers |
Dean Vuletic | Dean Vuletic | Columbia | History | 2008-2009 | The Poser of Nonalignment: Popular Music and the Cultural Cold War in Yugoslavia |
Olga Voronina | Olga Voronina | Harvard | Slavic Languages and Literatures | 2009-2010 | A Window with an Iron Curtain: Cold War Metaphors in Transition, 1945-1953 |
Michael Vorenberg | Michael Vorenberg | Harvard | History | 1994-1995 | The creation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution and its relation to the Civil War transformation of race relations, party politics and constitutional interpretation |
Eric von der Luft | Eric von der Luft | Bryn Mawr | Philosophy | 1982-1983 | |||
James Von der Heydt | James Von der Heydt | Harvard | English | 2002-2003 | Imagination as it Counters Infinity: Emersonian Strains in American Poetry |
Katharina Volk | Katharina Volk | Princeton | Classics | 1998-1999 | Carmen et res: The Poetics of Latin Didactic (Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid, Manilius) |
Angela Volan | Angela Volan | Chicago | Art History | 2003-2004 | Last Judgments and Last Emperors: Eschatology and Apocalypticism in Late- and Post-Byzantine Art |
Paul Nicholas Vogt | Paul Nicholas Vogt | Columbia | East Asian Studies | 2010-2011 | Between Kin and King: Social Aspects of Western Zhou Ritual |
Adam Vital | Adam Vital | Yale | History | 1991-1992 | Italian Anarchism and the Impact of Nationalism, 1860 |
Joseph Viscomi | Joseph Viscomi | Columbia | English | 1979-1980 | |||
Shafique Virani | Shafique Virani | Harvard | Near Eastern Studies | 1999-2000 | "The Well-Wisher of Herat", a pivotal figure in the reconstruction of post-Alamut Ismaili history and thought |
Susan B. Viguers | Susan B. Viguers | Bryn Mawr | English | 1974-1975 | |||
Daniel Viehoff | Daniel Viehoff | Columbia | Philosophy | 2008-2009 | The Claims of Disagreement: A Theory of Democratic Authority |
Ludger Viefhues | Ludger Viefhues | Harvard | Religion | 2001-2002 | Ritual, Trust and Transformation: Ritual as means to address the problem of skepticism in modern philosophy |
Gail Brendel Viechnicki | Gail Brendel Viechnicki | Chicago | Linguistics | 2000-2001 | From Wintu Grammar to the Sociology of Science: Evidentiality in English Scientific Discouse. |
Angela Mercedes Becerra Vidergar | Angela Mercedes Becerra Vidergar | Stanford | Comparative Literature | 2012-2013 | Baylor University | Fictions of Destruction: Post-1945 Narrative and Disaster in the Collective Imaginary |
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Ramon Saldivar, Amir Eshel, Ursula K. Heise |
Moulie Vidas | Moulie Vidas | Princeton | Religion | 2008-2009 | Tradition and the Redaction of the Babylonian Talmud |
Kathleen M. Vernon | Kathleen M. Vernon | Chicago | Comparative Literature | 1980-1981 | |||
Andrew M. Verner | Andrew M. Verner | Columbia | History, Russian | 1976-1977 | |||
Philip Ventcinque | Philip Venticinque | Chicago | Classics | 2008-2009 | Common Causes: The Social World of Guilds and Associations in Roman and Late Antique Egypt |
Tomas Venclova | Tomas Venclova | Yale | Slavic Languages and Literatures | 1983-1984 | |||
Jonathan Veitch | Jonathan Veitch | Harvard | American History | 1989-1990 | |||
Jacqueline Vayntrub | Jacqueline Vayntrub | Chicago | Near Eastern Studies | 2014-2015 | Proverbs and the Limits of Poetry |
Florence Vatan | Florence Vatan | Chicago | Romance Languages, Comparative Literature, French | 2001-2002 | Mastering Sensibility: Flaubert and Baudelaire on the New Art of Feeling. |
Phiroze Vasunia | Phiroze Vasunia | Stanford | Classics | 1994-1995 | Hellenizing Egypt |
Eric R. Varner | Eric R. Varner | Yale | Classics | 1991-1992 | Damnatio Memoriae and Roman Imperial Portraiture |
Amy L. Varin | Amy L. Varin | Harvard | Celtic Languages & Literature | 1982-1983 | |||
Zsuzsanna Varhelyi | Zsuzsanna Varhelyi | Columbia | History | 2000-2001 | The Religion of the Senatorial and Cultural Elite in the Roman Empire, AD 69-235 |
David Vanderhooft | David Vanderhooft | Harvard | Near Eastern Studies | 1994-1995 | The cultural interaction of Judah and Babylon during the high period of the Babylonian empire (605 |
Susan Vanderborg | Susan Vanderborg | Stanford | English | 1993-1994 | The Text Beside Itself: Consensus and Metanarrative in Postwar American Avant-Garde Poetry |
Please choose a Dissertation Fellow on the left to see details.