Writing in Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Cyprus: Analyses of Context and Function
Women Architects in Germany, 1900-1920
The Role of Public Sculpture in the Greek World
The Use and Coneptualization of Domestic Space in Homeric Epics and in Early Iron Age Greece
Hebrew Philosophical Commentaries on Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed (1190)
James T. Robinson
Audax Iuventa: The Fictive and the Imaginary in Virgil's Eclogues
Mastering Sensibility: Flaubert and Baudelaire on the New Art of Feeling.
Art as Social Currency in A la recherche du temps perdu
Variation within Lexical Categories
When Chinese Medicine Encountered the State: 1910-1949
Ancient Tongues, Modern Mouths: The Case of West Germanic Consonant Gemination
Art on the Border: Galerie René Block in 1960s and 70s Berlin and New York
Christine Mehring, Reinhold Heller, Darby English
"May God Have Mercy on My Soul": Confessions of Sin and Guilt in America,1800
Narrating the Historical: Constructions of Community and Historical Consciousness in the Work of Four Modern Novelists
Ornament: An Austrian Sentiment
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