Name Name School Sort descending Subject Year Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Joanna Smith Joanna Smith Bryn Mawr Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology 1993-1994

Writing in Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Cyprus: Analyses of Context and Function

Despina Stratigakos Despina Stratigakos Bryn Mawr Art History, German 1997-1998

Women Architects in Germany, 1900-1920

Terrance J. Rusnak, Jr. Terrance J. Rusnak, Jr. Bryn Mawr Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology 1999-2000

The Role of Public Sculpture in the Greek World

Katherine D. Morrow Katherine D. Morrow Bryn Mawr Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology 1981-1982
S. Douglas Olson S. Douglas Olson Bryn Mawr Greek 1986-1987
Stephen Bonime Stephen Bonime Bryn Mawr Music 1974-1975
Barbara A. Barletta Barbara A. Barletta Bryn Mawr Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology 1980-1981
Marie E. Devine Marie E. Devine Bryn Mawr English 1975-1976
Shaun Gallagher Shaun Gallagher Bryn Mawr Philosophy 1979-1980
Vida J. Hull Vida J. Hull Bryn Mawr Art History 1978-1979
Lisa Mallen Lisa Mallen Bryn Mawr Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology 2008-2009

The Use and Coneptualization of Domestic Space in Homeric Epics and in Early Iron Age Greece

Igor Holanda de Souza Igor Holanda de Souza Chicago Jewish Studies 2011-2012 University of Tennessee

Hebrew Philosophical Commentaries on Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed (1190)

James T. Robinson

Raymond Kania Raymond Kania Chicago Classics 2010-2011

Audax Iuventa: The Fictive and the Imaginary in Virgil's Eclogues

Florence Vatan Florence Vatan Chicago Romance Languages, Comparative Literature, French 2001-2002

Mastering Sensibility: Flaubert and Baudelaire on the New Art of Feeling.

Fay Rosner Fay Rosner Chicago Romance Languages, French 2004-2005

Art as Social Currency in A la recherche du temps perdu

Elaine Marie Jones Elaine Marie Jones Chicago Linguistics 1998-1999

Variation within Lexical Categories

Hsiang-Lin Lei Hsiang-Lin Lei Chicago History of Science 1997-1998

When Chinese Medicine Encountered the State: 1910-1949

Jeannette Marshall Denton Jeannette Marshall Denton Chicago Linguistics 1998-1999

Ancient Tongues, Modern Mouths: The Case of West Germanic Consonant Gemination

Rachel Jans Rachel Jans Chicago Art History 2012-2013 Bennington College

Art on the Border: Galerie René Block in 1960s and 70s Berlin and New York

Christine Mehring, Reinhold Heller, Darby English

Kathleen M. Vernon Kathleen M. Vernon Chicago Comparative Literature 1980-1981
Carolyn Campbell Russell Carolyn Campbell Russell Chicago English 1992-1993

"May God Have Mercy on My Soul": Confessions of Sin and Guilt in America,1800

Mark Lincicome Mark Lincicome Chicago East Asian Studies 1984-1985
Stephen Menn Stephen Menn Chicago Philosophy 1987-1988
Jessica Schiff Berman Jessica Schiff Berman Chicago Comparative Literature 1991-1992

Narrating the Historical: Constructions of Community and Historical Consciousness in the Work of Four Modern Novelists

Avner Cohen Avner Cohen Chicago History of Culture 1980-1981
Heinrich 0. Fruehauf Heinrich 0. Fruehauf Chicago East Asian Studies 1989-1990
Williani Haver Williani Haver Chicago History 1986-1987
William Hartley William Hartley Chicago History of Culture 1983-1984
John R. Jiambalvo John R. Jiambalvo Chicago English 1978-1979
Andrea Wald Andrea Wald Chicago German 2014-2015

Ornament: An Austrian Sentiment

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