Name Name Sort descending School Subject Year Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
William Burgwinkle William Burgwinkle Stanford French, Medieval Studies 1986-1987

The Troubador as Subject: Biography, Erotics and Culture

Filiz E. Burhan Filiz E. Burhan Princeton Art & Archaeology 1975-1976
Thomas C. Burke Thomas C. Burke Harvard Asian Languages 1976-1977
Catherine Burke Catherine Burke Yale Philosophy 1974-1975
Eric D. Burns Eric D. Burns Columbia English 1985-1986
Susan Lynn Burns Susan Lynn Burns Chicago East Asian Studies 1991-1992

The Conflicts of Interpretation: Kokugaku and the Poetics of the Past

Gerald T. Burns Gerald T. Burns Yale American Studies 1978-1979
Elizabeth Geraldine Burr Elizabeth Geraldine Burr Harvard Religion 1995-1996
Clarissa C. Burt Clarissa C. Burt Chicago Near Eastern Studies 1992-1993

Parallelism in Jahiliyya Poetry and the Northwest Semitic Connection

Georgia P. Burton Georgia P. Burton Bryn Mawr English 1974-1975
Michael Burtscher Michael Burtscher Harvard History, East Asian Studies 2001-2002

The Political Role of Philosophy and the Intellectual Elite in Meiji Japan (1868-1912)

Stephen S. Bush Stephen S. Bush Princeton Religion 2007-2008

After Experience: The Theory and Ethics of Religious Experience

Rebecca W. Bushnell Rebecca W. Bushnell Princeton Comparative Literature 1981-1982
Michael Bustamente Michael Bustamente Yale History 2014-2015

Cuban Counterpoints: Memory Struggles in Revolution and Exile

Leslie Butler Leslie Butler Yale History 1996-1997

The Mugwump Dilemma: Democracy and Cultural Authority in Victorian America

James Buzard James Buzard Columbia English 1988-1989
Ina Buzard Ina Buzard Columbia English 1989-1990
Eliza S. Byard Eliza S. Byard Columbia History 2000-2001

Inverts, Perverts, and National Peril: Federal Responses to Homosexuality, 1890-1955

Charles A. Byler Charles A. Byler Yale History 1988-1989
Jennifer Cadero-Gillette Jennifer Cadero-Gillette Harvard Art History 2001-2002

Collecting Art and Constructing History: The recovery of medieval panel painting of circa 1800

Patricia Cahill Patricia Cahill Columbia English, Comparative Literature 1998-1999

Tales of Iron Wars: Militarism, Manliness, and Empire in Early Modern English Culture

Patricia L. Caldwell Patricia L. Caldwell Harvard English 1977-1978
Daniel Callahan Daniel Callahan Columbia Music, Dance 2011-2012 New York University

The Dancer from the Music: Men, Modern Dance, and Choreomusicalities on the U.S. Stage, 1910-2010

Karen Henson, Lynn Garafola, Lydia Goehr, Ellie Hisama

Clifton Duane Callender Clifton Duane Callender Chicago Music 1998-1999

‘Glass’ (composition for string orchestra, two harps, and percussion), ‘Voice-leading Parsimony: Theoretical Explorations and Analytical Applications’

Gary Calore Gary Calore Bryn Mawr Philosophy 1983-1984
Erik Camayd-Freixas Erik Camayd-Freixas Harvard Romance Languages 1993-1994

Definition and scope of the concepts of "Magic Realism" and "Primitivism" in four mainstream Spanish-American novels

Rosemary Camilleri Rosemary Camilleri Chicago Comparative Literature 1985-1986
Justin Cammy Justin Cammy Harvard History of Culture, Jewish Studies, Near Eastern Studies 1999-2000

"Yung Vilna": A Cultural History of a Yiddish Literary Movement in Inter-War Poland, 1927-1943

Jill Campbell Jill Campbell Yale English 1984-1985
Hulya Canbakal Hulya Canbakal Harvard Middle Eastern Studies 1997-1998

Power relations in a provincial Ottoman town in the 17th C. Through a study of the mechanisms of decision-making and representation in the public domain, it explores the emergence of a new power elite and the transformation of political practice and

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