Name Name School Sort ascending Subject Year Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Michael Lewis Michael Lewis Stanford History 1983-1984
Scott Mainwaring Scott Mainwaring Stanford Political Science 1982-1983
Elizabeth McLain Elizabeth McLain Stanford Art History 1993-1994

Anselm Feuerbach: The Revival of Heroic Idealism in Late 19th Century European Painting

Patricia Alden Patricia Alden Stanford English 1975-1976
George K. Behlmer George K. Behlmer Stanford History 1974-1975
Erin Carlson Erin Carlson Stanford Modern Thought and Literature 1992-1993

Writing the Body Politic: Sapphic Modernisms and the Response to Fascism

Antonia I. Castaneda Antonia I. Castaneda Stanford History 1980-1981
Mark Csikszentmihalyi Mark Csikszentmihalyi Stanford Asian Languages 1993-1994

Emulating the Yellow Emperor: The Theory and Practice of Hung Lao Thought, 179-141 B.C.

Steven A. Edwards Steven A. Edwards Stanford Religion 1977-1978
Peter A. Gibian Peter A. Gibian Stanford Modern Thought and Literature 1981-1982
Harold Hellenbrand Harold Hellenbrand Stanford Modern Thought and Literature 1979-1980
Meiyu Hsieh Meiyu Hsieh Stanford History 2009-2010

Viewing the Han Empire from the Edge—Second Century B.C.E. to Second Century C.E.

Carmen Nocentelli Carmen Nocentelli Stanford Comparative Literature 1998-1999

Beyond East and West: Early Modern Europe and Southeast Asia

Catherine Witzling Catherine Witzling Stanford Chinese 1977-1978
Richard Yarborough Richard Yarborough Stanford English, American Literature 1977-1978
Constance Sherak Constance Sherak Stanford French 1987-1988
Paul J. Schacht Paul J. Schacht Stanford English 1982-1983
Marion Leeson Rust Marion Leeson Rust Stanford Modern Thought and Literature 1993-1994

Return of the Prodigal Daughter: Susana Rowson and the Geography of Virtue, 1790-1810

Michael B. Reuben Michael B. Reuben Stanford Modern Thought and Literature 1978-1979
Pericles Lewis Pericles Lewis Stanford Comparative Literature 1994-1995

Fictions of National Identity: The Modernist Novel and the Idea of the Nation

Deidre Lynch Deidre Lynch Stanford English 1989-1990
Kathryn Amdur Kathryn Amdur Stanford History 1974-1975
James Carmody James Carmody Stanford Drama 1982-1983
Lorne Buchman Lorne Buchman Stanford Drama 1983-1984
Christine E. Cullens Christine E. Cullens Stanford Comparative Literature 1987-1988
Elena S. Danielson Elena S. Danielson Stanford German 1973-1974
Dennis Des Chene Dennis Des Chene Stanford Philosophy 1986-1987
Amy Frank Amy Frank Stanford Comparative Literature 1991-1992

Reading the "Norellino"

John G. Hessler John G. Hessler Stanford English 1975-1976
Hanna Janiszewska Hanna Janiszewska Stanford English 2008-2009

Romantic Life of the Mind: Literary Forms as Forms of Life

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