Media's Collapse: Andy Warhol, Robert Gober, Matthew Barney, and the Contemporary Object of Art
The Use of Images and Rituals in the Christianization of the Roman Forum
Arts as Commodity in the Roman World
Domestic Shrines in Houses of Roman Greece: A Comparative Study with Asia Minor and Italy
Women Worshipers in Roman Republican Religion
The Consilium in Republican Rome
An Analysis of 2nd Millennium BC Mediterranean Bronze Carpentry and Masonry Tools: Implications for Craftsmanship and Cultural/Regional Interaction
Specific Objects: Lee Bontecou's Steel and Canvas Reliefs and Sculptures 1959-1964
Notions of Truth in Modern Architecture in Turn-of-the-Century Vienna
Negotiations Towards a Self, 1770
Hellenistic Domestic Fruniture and Furnishings in the Ancient Greek World
Enotia: The Contexts of Greek Earrings 10th - 1st C. B. C.
The Origin of the Doric Order on the Mainland of Greece: Form and Function of the Geison in the Archaic Period
Imagining a Nation: the Politics of Medieval Architectural Styles in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Germany
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