Name Name Sort descending School Subject Year Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Yigal David Bronner Yigal David Bronner Chicago South Asian Studies 1998-1999

Poetry at its Extreme: The Theory and Practice of Shlesha in Indian Culture

Michaels Bronstein Michaels Bronstein Yale English 2010-2011

Imperishable Consciousness: The Rescue of Meaning in the Modernist Novel

Timothy Brook Timothy Brook Harvard History, East Asian Studies 1983-1984
Barbara L. Brookes Barbara L. Brookes Bryn Mawr History 1980-1981
Perry B. Brooks Perry B. Brooks Columbia Art History 1979-1980
Christine Brousseau-Beuermann Christine Brousseau-Beuermann Harvard Romance Languages 1982-1983
Eric Alan Brown Eric Alan Brown Chicago Philosophy 1996-1997

Stoic Cosmopolitanism and the Political Life

Pamela Brown Pamela Brown Columbia English and Comparative Literature 1996-1997

Gender and Jest in Early Modern Popular Culture

Gregory Brown Gregory Brown Columbia 1996-1997

A Field of Honor: Cultural Politics of Playwrighting Eighteenth-Century France

Laurie Lew Brown Laurie Lew Brown Chicago English 1991-1992

Visualizing a Tradition: English Art Criticism and English Painting, 1769

Stewart J. Brown Stewart J. Brown Chicago History 1979-1980
Laurie Shigley Brown Laurie Shigley Brown Bryn Mawr Greek 1985-1986
Thomas Joseph Brown Thomas Joseph Brown Harvard American History 1992-1993

A Biography of Dorothea Dix (1802

Curtis Brown Curtis Brown Harvard English, American Literature 2006-2007

American Modernism and the Invention of Orality

Arlo A. Brown Arlo A. Brown Columbia East Asian Studies 1981-1982
Deborah Brown Deborah Brown Bryn Mawr Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology 2001-2002

Custodians for the Gods: A Study of Ancient Greek Cult Personnel and the Care of Cult Property

Kevin Brownlee Kevin Brownlee Princeton Romance Languages 1978-1979
Elizabeth Brunazzi Elizabeth Brunazzi Princeton Comparative Literature 1984-1985
Margaret Bruzelius Margaret Bruzelius Yale Comparative Literature 1991-1992

The Mother/Land: Representing Maternity as Geography

Edwin Bryant Edwin Bryant Columbia Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures 1995-1996

In Defence of the Tradition: Mahabharata and Historicity

Anna W. Brzyski-Long Anna W. Brzyski-Long Chicago Art History 1997-1998

Redefining the Modernist Paradigm: Modern Art and Nationalism in Fin-de-Siecle Poland

William Bubelis William Bubelis Chicago Ancient Mediterranean World 2005-2006

The Sacred Treasures of Athens, 700B300 B.C.

Lorne Buchman Lorne Buchman Stanford Drama 1983-1984
Jennifer Buckley Jennifer Buckley Columbia English, Comparative Literature 2010-2011

Even, Page Must Explode"• Print, Performance and the European Avant-gardes

Matthew Buckley Matthew Buckley Columbia English and Comparative Literature 1996-1997

Form and Change in Modern European Revolutionary Drama

Katherine Bucknell Katherine Bucknell Columbia English 1985-1986
John William Bugg John William Bugg Princeton English 2005-2006

Gagging Acts: the Trials of British Romanticism

Eric Bulson Eric Bulson Columbia English, Comparative Literature 2002-2003

Geographical Realism in the Works of Melville, Joyce and Pynchon

Jeffrey Burds Jeffrey Burds Yale History 1988-1989
Dana Burgess Dana Burgess Bryn Mawr Greek 1983-1984

Please choose a Dissertation Fellow on the left to see details.