Archaios Logos: A Study of Pindar and his Sources
Itineraries in the Art-World: The Cult of Europe and Transatlantic Careers in High Culture, 1865
From Vichy to Vietnam: France and the Internationalization of the Indochina Conflict, 1940 - 1946
In Evident Mental Commotion: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the American Civil War
Kneph: The Religion of Roman Thebes
One and the Same Theory: Spinoza on Attributes and the Mind-Body Relation
Michael Della Rocca
From Federal City to Chocolate City: National Politics and Local Struggles in Washington, D.C., 1948-1978
Polytempo as Temporal Dissonance in the Player Piano Studies of Conlon Nancarrow
Fortune's Garden: Agriculture and the Countryside in California
Waking Dreams: Readings in Shakespeare, Keats and Baudelaire
Postmodern American Poetry and the Legacy of Auden
The Instructional Moment in Anglo-Saxon Literature
Fathers, Daughters, and Family Togetherness in Post World War II America, 1945-1965
Musical Novels: The Narrative Matrices of Mahler's Symphonic Sonatas
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