Name | Name | School Sort descending | Subject | Year | Undergraduate College | Dissertation Title | Faculty Advisers |
Williani Haver | Williani Haver | Chicago | History | 1986-1987 | |||
William Hartley | William Hartley | Chicago | History of Culture | 1983-1984 | |||
John R. Jiambalvo | John R. Jiambalvo | Chicago | English | 1978-1979 | |||
Andrea Wald | Andrea Wald | Chicago | German | 2014-2015 | Ornament: An Austrian Sentiment |
Alexander Lee | Alexander Lee | Chicago | Classics | 2011-2012 | Stanford | Image-making and mathematics in the argumentative structure of Plato’s _Republic_ |
Elizabeth Asmis, Gabriel Lear, David Wray |
Igor Holanda de Souza | Igor Holanda de Souza | Chicago | Jewish Studies | 2011-2012 | University of Tennessee | Hebrew Philosophical Commentaries on Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed (1190) |
James T. Robinson |
Raymond Kania | Raymond Kania | Chicago | Classics | 2010-2011 | Audax Iuventa: The Fictive and the Imaginary in Virgil's Eclogues |
Florence Vatan | Florence Vatan | Chicago | Romance Languages, Comparative Literature, French | 2001-2002 | Mastering Sensibility: Flaubert and Baudelaire on the New Art of Feeling. |
Fay Rosner | Fay Rosner | Chicago | Romance Languages, French | 2004-2005 | Art as Social Currency in A la recherche du temps perdu |
Elaine Marie Jones | Elaine Marie Jones | Chicago | Linguistics | 1998-1999 | Variation within Lexical Categories |
Hsiang-Lin Lei | Hsiang-Lin Lei | Chicago | History of Science | 1997-1998 | When Chinese Medicine Encountered the State: 1910-1949 |
Jeannette Marshall Denton | Jeannette Marshall Denton | Chicago | Linguistics | 1998-1999 | Ancient Tongues, Modern Mouths: The Case of West Germanic Consonant Gemination |
Rachel Jans | Rachel Jans | Chicago | Art History | 2012-2013 | Bennington College | Art on the Border: Galerie René Block in 1960s and 70s Berlin and New York |
Christine Mehring, Reinhold Heller, Darby English |
Kathleen M. Vernon | Kathleen M. Vernon | Chicago | Comparative Literature | 1980-1981 | |||
Carolyn Campbell Russell | Carolyn Campbell Russell | Chicago | English | 1992-1993 | "May God Have Mercy on My Soul": Confessions of Sin and Guilt in America,1800 |
Mark Lincicome | Mark Lincicome | Chicago | East Asian Studies | 1984-1985 | |||
Stephen Menn | Stephen Menn | Chicago | Philosophy | 1987-1988 | |||
Diane K. Brentari | Diane K. Brentari | Chicago | Linguistics | 1989-1990 | |||
James T. Collins | James T. Collins | Chicago | Linguistics | 1980-1981 | |||
Stephen Engstrom | Stephen Engstrom | Chicago | Philosophy | 1984-1985 | |||
Joshua Guttman | Joshua Guttman | Chicago | Philosophy | 1981-1982 | |||
Christopher Hodgkins | Christopher Hodgkins | Chicago | English | 1986-1987 | |||
Frank B. Kelly | Frank B. Kelly | Chicago | East Asian Studies | 1978-1979 | |||
Sean Anthony | Sean Anthony | Chicago | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | 2008-2009 | "Abd Allāh b. Saba" and the Saba'iya: Shi'ism, ghuluww and the origins of Islamic sectarianism between history and theologumena |
Jacqueline Vayntrub | Jacqueline Vayntrub | Chicago | Near Eastern Studies | 2014-2015 | Proverbs and the Limits of Poetry |
Suzanne Taylor | Suzanne Taylor | Chicago | English | 2012-2013 | McGill University | Character, Action, Virtue |
James Chandler, Arnold Davidson, & Heather Keenleyside |
Jie Shi | Jie Shi | Chicago | Art History | 2011-2012 | Peking University (Beijing) | Housing the Majesty in the Dark: Princely Tombs in Western Han China (206 BCE–8 CE). |
Wu Hung |
Gail Brendel Viechnicki | Gail Brendel Viechnicki | Chicago | Linguistics | 2000-2001 | From Wintu Grammar to the Sociology of Science: Evidentiality in English Scientific Discouse. |
Lynn Lara Westwater | Lynn Lara Westwater | Chicago | Romance Languages, Comparative Literature, Italian, Women's Studies | 2002-2003 | The Disquieting Voice: Women's Writing and Antifeminism in 17th Century Venice |
Sheri Lyn Pargman | Sheri Lyn Pargman | Chicago | Linguistics | 2001-2002 | Internal and External Factors in Language Change. |
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