Name Name Sort descending School Subject Year Undergraduate College Dissertation Title Faculty Advisers
Catherine A. Corman Catherine A. Corman Yale American Studies 1996-1997

Reading, Writing, and Removal: Native Americans and Print Culture, 1824 - 1833

Veronica Cortinez Veronica Cortinez Harvard Romance Languages 1987-1988
Peter Cosgrove Peter Cosgrove Columbia English 1988-1989
Robert Costello Robert Costello Bryn Mawr Art History 2001-2002

The Center Cannot Hold: A Marxist Study of the History Painting of J.M.W. Turner

James Costlow James Costlow Yale Slavic Languages and Literatures 1985-1986
Eleni Coundouriotis Eleni Coundouriotis Columbia English, Comparative Literature 1990-1991

Blazac, Elliot and Post Colonial Narratives: Reading Realism as Historical Method

Martin Cox Martin Cox Chicago Philosophy 1987-1988
Jasper Albert Cragwall Jasper Albert Cragwall Princeton English 2004-2005

Popular Romanticisms

Patricia Crain Patricia Crain Columbia English, Comparative Literature, American Literature 1993-1994

Cultures of Reading in the American Renaissance

Ashley Crandell Ashley Crandell Yale English 1975-1976
Gregory Crane Gregory Crane Harvard Classics 1984-1985
Kathleen Crawford Kathleen Crawford Harvard English, American Literature 1983-1984
Catherine Crawford Catherine Crawford Bryn Mawr Art History 1989-1990
Robert Denniston Crews Robert Denniston Crews Princeton History 1998-1999

The House of Islam in a Christian Empire: Law, Religion, and the State in Nineteenth Century Russia

Charlotte Cross Charlotte Cross Columbia Music 1989-1990
Pamela K. Crossley Pamela K. Crossley Yale History, East Asian Studies 1982-1983
Patrick Crowley Patrick Crowley Columbia Art History 2010-2011

The Appearance ofApparitions: Figuration and the Supernatural in Ancient Rome

Mark Csikszentmihalyi Mark Csikszentmihalyi Stanford Asian Languages 1993-1994

Emulating the Yellow Emperor: The Theory and Practice of Hung Lao Thought, 179-141 B.C.

Christine E. Cullens Christine E. Cullens Stanford Comparative Literature 1987-1988
Marcia C. Culver Marcia C. Culver Princeton English 1978-1979
Robert J. Cummings Robert J. Cummings Stanford History 1976-1977
Brian Anthony Curran Brian Anthony Curran Princeton Art and Archaeology 1995-1996

Egyptomania and Egyptian Antiquities in the Italian Renaissance

David Currell David Currell Yale English, Comparative Literature 2009-2010

Epic Satire from Homer to Dryden

Anne D'Alleva Anne D'Alleva Columbia Art History 1994-1995

Shaping the Body Politic: Gender, Status and Power in Tahitian Art, 1767

Patrice M. Dabrowski Patrice M. Dabrowski Harvard History 1998-1999

An investigation of the Polish commemorations of famous events and people during the decades before the recreation of a Polish state (1879-1914) and theimpact of these events on Polish national consciousness.

Bruce Russell Dain Bruce Russell Dain Princeton History 1994-1995

Black and White: Racial Thought in the United States, from Revolution to Civil War and Beyond

Sheung-yeun Daisy Ng Sheung-yeun Daisy Ng Harvard East Asian Studies 1998-1999

A study of the changing relationship between nostalgia and nationalism in Hong Kong fiction and film from the 1970’s to the 1990’s.

Suzanne M. Daly Suzanne M. Daly Columbia English, Comparative Literature 2000-2001

What Came Back: Indian Imports, Victorian Novels

Maria Damon Maria Damon Stanford Modern Thought and Literature 1985-1986
Cynthia Damon Cynthia Damon Stanford Classics 1989-1990

Please choose a Dissertation Fellow on the left to see details.